Saturday, June 20, 2009

The past two nights have been party-intense.

On Friday, we were introduced to our buddies (most of whom didn’t show up). SANC Academy arranged everything. They gave everybody a ticket for the Mori Art Museum in Roppongi (emphasizing how generous SANC Academy is) and set up a time for us to meet with our buddies. Mori Art Museum is definitely not the richest art collection in Japan – but it’s the effort that counts, right? One of the exhibition featured post-post-modern works (such as a light-bulb tunnel) and the other was covering history of a diamond maker – “Foreversomething.” The light bulb part was so-so. The diamond part incited a huge discussion among the SANC academy students – Are these real? Fake? That’s ugly. No, I like it. Why can’t we chew gums here? Yale students at their best.

Afterwards, the group went to an “Italian” restaurant and a Karaoke bar. Things got little heated in the meantime.

Stan, wearing a T-shirt brighter than a polished shinkansen, went around commenting on people’s outfits. Some took it nonchalantly, some did not. And those who did not commented back; either making smirky statements about Stan’s T-shirt (which was brighter than a polished shinkansen) or about his deadly laughter. Stan didn’t seem to mind.

Besides Stan’s sartorialism, a major discussion (with significant consequences) occurred between Heidi and Devin. Both coming from Asian cultures with high regard for (and strong opinions about) rice making, Heidi and Devin got themselves into a heated discussion as to what the appropriate amount of water involved in making rice should be. Initially innocently appearing topic has evolved into a major issue - not unlike life and dead issues such as gay rights, abortion, human evolution, or the War in Iraq. The argument climaxed when Heidi adamantly stated that she would never again cook for Devin. Snap, snap! Most of us froze in terror upon overhearing Heidi’s definitive statement, feeling pity for Devin’s unfortunate fall into disliking….. Dear followers, at this point, you’re probably busy rolling your eyes over – you’re probably wondering what the big deal is; after all, why can’t Devin eat somewhere else? It’s not like Tokyo didn’t have enough culinary opportunities. Right?

WRONG. Devin could indeed dine at some other location than Heidi’s. Nevertheless, the question remains : should he? Heidi’s culinary abilities have turned her little studio into a major social hub, at least for other SANC academy students. Heidi paid special attention to create a list of invitees for her renowned dinner parties. Being on Heidi’s list means you’re IN. Not being on the list means you’re OUT. Despite the short period of time, Heidi managed to establish a membership club worth a well-rooted Tokyo socialite. Those who are not in the club aspire to club membership more fervently than Gilded Age Industrialists. Those who are in the club, fear and tremble at the idea of losing their membership. (especially now that Heidi exposed her executive powers to cut anyone out, as she wishes).

Dear Followers, I hope that now you understand full consequences of Devin’s loss of membership. As such, please be aware that like Roman goddess Juno, once Heidi shows her wrath, ready for total recall, she doesn’t give preliminary warnings. At this stage, everyone seems to pity Devin yet no one can afford to show compassion, fearing Juno’s ( I mean Heidi’s) anger. In a way, Devin’s Fall has led to a more productive SANC Academy students. Everybody seems focused on his/her work, avoiding heated conversations – not only with Heidi but also with everyone else. A strange “Big-Brother-Sauron’s Tower” atmosphere seems to reign over the SANC academy these days – at least until someone else flies over the cuckoo’s nest and fall’s into Heidi’s disliking. In the meantime, for those who want to retain their membership in Heidi’s League as long as possible (well, at least until August 10), I would strongly suggest to stay stoically quiet, not to engage in frenzied discussions - Especially those involving rice.


  1. I don't think I have EVER laughed this hard....I'm coming over right now.


  2. Man, I wish SANC were actually like this.

  3. hahahaha. we must remember, however, the forbidden phrase that describes the fate of a certain character on DH and assiduously avoid it.

  4. oh dear, this is going to be the beginning of a summer of many compromising photos. "life and dead", haha.
