Saturday, June 20, 2009

Who's like totally smokin' - and who's like totally not.

Yesterday, I decided to change my blog’s agenda. So far, I’ve been describing my struggles in the land of the rising Sun. People love to see other people struggling – failing and getting up only to fail all over again. My followers (there comes my Darth-Vader complex) seemed to enjoy to read about my failures. Nevertheless, hanging out for prolonged periods of time with my fellow Bulldogs, I decided to share some of the “what’s going on” in the SANC academy community. I decided to give my followers the pleasure of reading some of the Tokyo Summer Wave tittle-tattle. Who’s cool. Who’s out. Who likes whom. Who’s been hanging out with the hottest Tokyoites. Who wishes he/she has been hanging out with the hottest Tokyoites.

For a few posts, I will be adopting the voice of the omnipresent and omniscient dead neighbor from the Desperate Housewives, retelling the stories of L3 through L5 Yale in Tokyo students (and their randomly appearing “buddies”). I hope that in the meantime some cultural insights will shine through. And if not, no fear Shakespeare, you’ll get your daily portion of Tokyo Today, your daily portion of NishiShinjuku Juicy Campus. Except for more juicy and less campus.

Long story made short: Dear followers, prepare yourself for the first season of “Desperate Yallies in Japan’s Capital,” for the first season of who’s like totally smokin’ – and who’s like totally not.

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